Ny Chicken And Grill Temple Hills

Frequently Asked Questionsabout Ny Chicken And Grill

New York Steak on the Weber Charcoal Grill
  • Where can I locate NY Chicken and Grill?

    NY Chicken and Grill is situated at the following address: United States, Temple Hills, MD 20748, 2914 Colebrooke Dr.

  • What is the phone number for NY Chicken and Grill?

    You can try dialing the following number: 695-5207.

  • What are the business hours for NY Chicken and Grill?

    NY Chicken and Grill is open for business at the following schedule: Sun: 10PM – 3AM Mon-Thu: 10AM – 3AM Fri-Sat: 10AM – 5AM.

  • What is NY Chicken and Grill’s rating on Nicelocal?

    On average, this place is rated 4.3 out of 5.You can visit theNY Chicken and Grill reviewspage to leave your own review!

  • Does NY Chicken and Grill have its menu placed on Nicelocal.com?

    Yes! You can see the list of available drinks and food on the NY Chicken and Grill menu page.

  • What kinds of cuisines does NY Chicken and Grill serve?

    NY Chicken and Grill serves American.

  • Is the information found on this listing verified?

    Nicelocal is doing everything in its power to post correct information about businesses in its catalog.If you see an inaccuracy or if you are an official representative of NY Chicken and Grill, please get in touch with us by using the feedback form.

Lake Trout Or Whiting Fish

81. 3 Pcs, 1 Side, 2 Rolls $15.00 80. 2 Pcs, 1 Side, 1 Roll $12.00 82. 5 Pcs, 2 Sides, 2 Rolls $23.00 83. 2 Pcs Tilapia, 1 Side, 1 Roll $12.00 84. 3 Pcs Tilapia , 1 Side, 1 Roll $15.00 5 Pcs Tilapia, 2 Side, 2 Roll $23.00 88. 21 Pc. Popcorn Shrimp with 1 Side $13.00 85. 6 Pcs shrimp. with 1 Side $12.00 86. 9 Pcs. Shrimp. with 1 Side $15.00 87. 12 Pcs. Shrimp. with 1 Side $19.00 Green salad with mixed vegetables. $10.00 Green salad with mixed vegetables. $6.50 97. Grilled Chicken and Rice $13.00 99. Lake Trout Fish with Rice $13.00 100. 3 Wings with Rice $13.00 –

Ny Chicken & Grill Menu Prices

Item Grilled or fried patty with cheese on a bun. $8.00 Grilled or fried patty with cheese on a bun. $10.00 Sandwich made with a piece of cut fish that is either fried baked or grilled. $8.00 Ground turkey patty served on a bun. $8.00 30. 5 Pc. Chicken, 1 Dinner Roll, 1 Side $15.50 32. 10 Pc. Chicken, 3 Dinner Rolls, 3 Sides $29.00 31. 8 Pc. Chicken, 2 Dinner Rolls, 2 Sides $23.00 29. 3 Pc. Chicken, 1 Dinner Roll, 1 Side $12.50 33. 15 Pc. Chicken, 4 Dinner Rolls, 4 Sides $38.00 34. 21 Pc. Chicken, 6 Dinner Rolls, 6 Sides $50.00 28. 2 Pc. Chicken, 1 Dinner Roll, 1 Side $11.00 41. Corn on the Cob $4.00 With french fries & 24 oz. drink. $8.50 With french fries & 24 oz. drink. $8.50 64. 6 Wings, 1 Dinner Roll $11.00 65. 10 Wings, 2 Dinner Rolls $18.00 63. 4 Wings, 1 Dinner Roll $8.00 66. 15 Wings, 3 Dinner Rolls $28.00 67. 20 Wings, 4 Dinner Rolls $36.00 68. 25 Wings, 4 Dinner Rolls $45.00 69. 35 Wings, 5 Dinner Rolls $60.00 70. 50 Wings, 5 Dinner Rolls $90.00 12 Pcs. Hot Wings w/ Fries $19.00 6 Pcs. Hot Wings w/ Fries $12.00 9 Pcs. Hot Wings w/ Fries $15.00 20 Pcs. Hot Wings w/ Fries $30.00 Hot mild BBQ . Honey BBQ 6 Pcs. Buffalo w/ Fries $12.00 9 Pcs. Buffalo w/ Fries $15.00 20 Pcs. Buffalo w/ Fries $30.00 12 Pcs Buffalo w/ Fries $19.00 15 Pc. Nuggets w/ Fries $15.00 12 Pc. Nuggets w/ Fries $13.00 5 Pc. Tenders w/ Fries $14.00 3 Pc. Tenders w/ Fries $11.50 8 Pc. Tenders w/ Fries $20.00 10 Pc. Tenders w/ Fries $24.00

Also Check: How To Grill Good Chicken

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